Don't Blink!

💜One minute, we're the three peas in a pod, the next minute they're off on their own.

💜One minute, you're giving belly raspberries, the next minute it's fist bumps.

💜One minute, it's "I love you mommy." The next, it's "no mom, I don't want a hug."

💜One minute, it's dancing around the house.  The next they're sitting in front of the video game.

💜One minute, you're giving kisses to a booboo. The next minute, "mom I'm fine."

💜One minute, you're making chicken nuggets for a 5 year old. The next minute, he's making his own lunch or dinner at 12 years old.

💜One minute, you feel like the world is gonna implode. The next minute, they give you the biggest hug and you forget why you were angry.

💜One minute they're here, the next minute they're gone.

As a divorced parent, I long for the days my children will be able to truly decide for themselves on who they want to spend their days with.  It'll be their choice and I'll love them always. I hope for the best for them and hope they learn the difference from living in a happy environment versus a miserable environment.

These are my boys, they are why I do what I do. They are why I get up in the morning. They are why I want to exceed my own expectations. I want them to know that you can be a LEADER no matter what.

Time goes slow as a child but as an adult it goes fast. I tell my boys to enjoy these younger years cuz they will miss them. Of course, they don't believe me though. So now, I think I understand what my parents were trying to say. I wish there was a different way to tell all kids to not wish their childhood away so quick.

💜picture was taken in 2012💜 Connor was 7. James was 6.
#dontblink #yearsgoby #minutebyminute


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